Compare the difference between free listings and an upgraded listings
Premium Listing - £30.00 per annum
No other adverts appear on the page we create for you.
No message about upgrades appears with your listing.
Includes a nofollow link to your website.
Often approved within 3 days
You will be redirected to registration page after paying.
(Please feel free to ring 01608 663759 with any questions)
No other adverts appear on the page we create for you.
No message about upgrades appears with your listing.
Includes a nofollow link to your website.
Often approved within 3 days
You will be redirected to registration page after paying.
(Please feel free to ring 01608 663759 with any questions)
Silver Listing - £50.00 per annum
More prominence over free listings.
No other adverts are displayed on page.
Social Media details can be included.
Includes a link to your website.
Includes semantic mark-up to help local citations.
Default styling.
No extra deeplinks.
No logo displayed with listing.
You will be redirected to registration page after payment is received.
(Please feel free to ring 01608 663759 with any questions)
More prominence over free listings.
No other adverts are displayed on page.
Social Media details can be included.
Includes a link to your website.
Includes semantic mark-up to help local citations.
Default styling.
No extra deeplinks.
No logo displayed with listing.
You will be redirected to registration page after payment is received.
(Please feel free to ring 01608 663759 with any questions)
Gold Listing - £75.00 per annum
Custom Styling to match your website
Allows you to display your logo with your listing.
More prominence over free listings.
No other adverts are displayed on page.
Social Media details can be included.
Includes a link to your website.
Includes semantic mark-up to help local citations.
Includes two extra deeplinks to your website.
You will be redirected to registration page after payment is received.
(Please feel free to ring 01608 663759 with any questions)
Custom Styling to match your website
Allows you to display your logo with your listing.
More prominence over free listings.
No other adverts are displayed on page.
Social Media details can be included.
Includes a link to your website.
Includes semantic mark-up to help local citations.
Includes two extra deeplinks to your website.
You will be redirected to registration page after payment is received.
(Please feel free to ring 01608 663759 with any questions)
Please note:
Prices are per annum not per month.We reserve the right not to approve listings.
Why is our Advertising so Cheap?
- The UK Small Business Directory is owned, maintained and run by me.
- I don't pay commission to sales staff.
- I don't use call centres for cold calling.
- I don't have to maintain expensive business premises.
- I'm perfectly happy driving around in my little Mazda 2.
- I enjoy what I do.
Owner, Manager, Webmaster, Tea Boy