Ref No. E268169

A Happy Head

I help people remove unhelpful or damaging thought patterns and behaviour using a wide range of techniques from my therapeutic toolkit including Advanced Conversational Hypnotherapy which is an "eyes-open" process where I talk directly with your unconcious mind to uncover the problem within. My clients experience fast, long-lasting results, often in only one session which means you can shed the past and get on with your life as soon as possible. You might not even know how or why you started feeling this way. It doesn't matter. You might be concerned that your anxiety or lack of self confidence is part of you and can't be dealt with. That's not true. They are just beliefs, behaviours or habits that are holding you back. I use a simple but powerful process to make the changes that will help you become a happier person. There's no need for you to carry that baggage with you anymore. Because it's time to let it go. You'll feel better for it and you won't need to revisit the past.

A Happy Head
Connaught Road
CT20 1DA

07588 696896

Hypnotherapy, Folkestone Hypnotherapist, Anxiety, Confidence, Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy - A Happy Head Folkestone Kent Hypnotherapy

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