Ref No. B 156985
speedy ironing services
Ironing services offered! Hate ironing or never enough hours in the day to tackle your ironing? Then why not take up this offer!! All you need to do is drop off and collect.Between 7am and 8pm Monday to Friday. Weekends can be arranged if needed. 1 Bin liner full £5.00 or 2 bags £6.50!! Please not all clothing items should be clean and dry as this is an ironing service only. If you are local and not too far away drop off can be arranged depending upon distance.At no extra cost! For more information or to book please email or ring/text charlotte 07970436889 anytimespeedy ironing services
ironing clothing cleaning service cheap speedy ironing services Cleaners Leigh Lancashire
speedy ironing services are listed in; Cleaners Directory : Cleaners in Leigh : Cleaners in Lancashire