Bluesky International Limited
The Old Toy Factory, Jackson Street,Coalville
LE67 3NR
01530 518 518
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Bluesky International Ltd Bluesky is a Leicestershire-based specialist in aerial imaging and remote sensing data collection and processing. An internationally recognised leader with projects extending around the globe, Bluesky has unrivalled expertise in the creation of seamless, digital aerial photography, thermal infrared imagery and digital terrain models, 3D buildings and cities. Bluesky also house and manage the largest commercial historical aerial photo library in the UK
Aerial Photography Remote Sensing Thermal imagery Historic Aerial Photography Digital Elevation Models Bluesky International Limited Coalville Leicestershire Photographers
Bluesky International Limited are listed in; Leicestershire Business Directory : Coalville Business Directory : Photographers Directory : Photographers in Coalville : Photographers in Leicestershire