Ref No. B 90313

duct and Canopy Cleaning Services

10 Farranflugh Lane
County Antrim
bt41 2nq

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Canopy Clean services have over 10 years experience in catering hygiene, specializing in canopies and kitchen extraction systems. We also carry out kitchen deep cleans. Whilst we work throughout Ireland our base is in Coleraine with holding depots in Antrim and Galway. We work hours to suit your business. There is no extra charge for night and weekend working. No matter how efficient the extraction system, a build up of grease and other flammable substances in ductwork can become a significant fire hazard. Furthermore the liquid grease that “pools” in the bottom of the ductwork presents a real fire risk. Once set alight the ductwork acts as a huge chimney and fire spreads rapidly. The devastating effects of any subsequent fire on a business are enormous. Regardless of the size of your business, cleanliness of the extraction system is too important to ignore. When the build-up of grease becomes heavy, a fire hazard exists. Approximately one of three restaurant fires is caused by grease. A common scenario of how a kitchen exhaust fire starts is this: A flame flares up on the stove. The fire contacts the filters above the stove on the kitchen hood. The filters ignite. Since the exhaust fan is on, drawing air into the hood, through the filters, and up the duct, the flame on the filters is pulled into the duct. If significant grease residue exists on the duct interior, this will act as a fuel and the fire spreads up the duct, perhaps all the way into the fan. As ducting sometimes runs through roofspaces and

Canopy Cleaning Duct Cleaning Kitchen Cleaning duct and Canopy Cleaning Services Antrim County Antrim Cleaners
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