Ref No. B 83675

Local Food Advisor

400 Thames Valley Park Road

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Local Food Advisor is UK''s #1 local food website with over 160,000 visitors per month. We list the top 4000 award winning suppliers in the UK and Ireland - all of whom have won major awards, been recommended by Celebrity chefs or have UK Organic certification. We list 800 UK Farmers Markets, almost 500 Farm shops, hundreds of Rare breed suppliers and Vegetable Box Schemes as well as 300 local food restaurants. Our advanced search engine allows you to search for local produce by postcode, award, organic status, animal breed, type of sales outlet etc. We can also help you to find traditional Regional recipes and specialities.

local food farmers markets farm shops organic rare breeds Local Food Advisor Reading Berkshire Directories
Local Food Advisor are listed in; Berkshire Business Directory : Reading Business Directory : Directories Directory : Directories in Reading : Directories in Berkshire

Local Food Advisor
Business listings provided by UK Small Business Directory