Ref No. B 77300
bagvv trade Co.,Ltd
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We specializing in providing designer handbags such as LV,Gucci,Chanel,prada,Miu Miu etc.These handbags are sourced from specialized factories experience in producing top quality items.Our quality range is 7 Star Replica, Designer Handbags, copy replica, exact replica, designer replica, mirror image. We are devoted to the Retail and Wholesale of AAA++ +(99.9% mirror copy)Designer bags. We can also supply Christian Louboutin Shoes,Hair Straightener(CHD,GHI) and watches(Audemars Piguet,Cartier,Chanel ,Louis Vuitton,Rolex etc.). we accept paypal.the MOQ is one,free shipping.Our company insists on the principle of "reasonable price,superior quality,timely delivery and excellent service".We hope sincerely can cooperate with you.pls contact us freely if you are interested in some items of our products. company name:Bagvv Trade Co.,LTD company contact info:Email/
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