DMS Cleaning
31 Romanhill RoadGlasgow
G81 6NU
01389 800157
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We are a Commercial Cleaning Company based in Glasgow, we offer a wide range of services including One off Cleans,Carpet Cleaning,Window Cleaning,Office Cleaning,Builders Cleans,Contract Cleans and also Stripping & Resealing of floors.We have built up an excellant reputation with our customers many of whom we have had for several years.Our staff are fully trained to BSI 9001-9002 standard.We have full accreditation to National Britannia as well as Investors in People and BICS.
Office Contract Cleaning Commercial Cleaning Glasgow Cleaners Builders Cleans One Off Cleans DMS Cleaning Glasgow Dunbartonshire Cleaners
DMS Cleaning are listed in; Dunbartonshire Business Directory : Glasgow Business Directory : Cleaners Directory : Cleaners in Glasgow : Cleaners in Dunbartonshire