West Yorkshire
BD18 2BE
01274 596619
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Beauty Therapy To You specialises in bringing friendly mobile beauty treatments directly to you. No more waiting around in salons for appointments, or trying to park the car in town. I come to you at your convenience. I live in Bradford, west Yorkshire and travel local vicinity. You can also come to my house to get treatments done. There are no males so you will be in a relaxed friendly enviroment. WAXING EYBROWS WAX 2.50 UPPERLIP OR CHIN WAX 2.00 FULL LEG WAX 18 HALF LEG WAX 10 FULL ARM WAX 15 HALF ARM WAX 9 FULL FACE WAX 7- SPECIAL OFFER BRIDAL HENNE PLAIN OR FANCY ON HANDS,ARM,FOOT AND LEG PRICES VAIRY BUT VERY CHEAP! I OFFER A HAIR STRAIGHTNING SERVICE USING THE TOP HAIRSTRAIGHTNERS AND PRODUCTS FOR 5.00 ONLY! OTHER TREATMENT TO BE ADDED VERY SOON! PLEASE CALL ON 01274 596619 OR EMAIL PINKYNASEER@YAHOO.CO.UK
BEAUTY WAX HAIR MOBILE FACE DINAS BEAUTY Bradford West Yorkshire Alternative Therapies
DINAS BEAUTY are listed in; West Yorkshire Business Directory : Bradford Business Directory : Alternative Therapies Directory : Alternative Therapies in Bradford : Alternative Therapies in West Yorkshire