Ref No. B 42881

Parties by Morganza

4 Penrith Way
HP21 7JZ
01296 484889

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Jewellery-making birthday parties, perfect for creative kids (aged 6 & up). Each guest will make a bracelet and decorate a keepsake box using a variety of craft materials. Ideal for girls, but boys can also participate (making surfer-style jewellery). Takes approx one and a half hours, held in your own home, great fun and perfect for groups of 6-10 children.

Jewellery-making birthday parties creative fun at home Parties by Morganza Aylesbury Buckinghamshire childrens parties
Parties by Morganza are listed in; Buckinghamshire Business Directory : Aylesbury Business Directory : childrens parties Directory : childrens parties in Aylesbury : childrens parties in Buckinghamshire
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