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Ref No. B 41242

Virtual Secretarial Service

39 Bray Road Fulford
North Yorkshire
YO10 4JG

01904 466 477

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Why spend valuable time on tasks that you do not have time for? As an option to get you back on track why not consider using the services of Virtual Secretarial Service. We have first class organizational, administrative and secretarial skills at your disposal. We are a business solution with a flexible approach and work to meet your requirements and at times which suit you.

Digital and Audio Transcription Internet Research Data Entry Service Diary Management All work undertaken is strictly confidential Virtual Secretarial Service Virtual Office Assistants York North Yorkshire
Virtual Secretarial Service are listed in; North Yorkshire Business Directory : York Business Directory : Virtual Office Assistants Directory : Virtual Office Assistants in York : Virtual Office Assistants in North Yorkshire

Virtual Secretarial Service