Ref No. B 39344

Kando 1-2 Ltd

123 Hilltop
S44 6NN


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What is your business' score? 1. I am working too many hours in my business. 2. I need more customers, more customers, more customers… 3. Cash flow is a worry… sometimes… sometimes a real worry… 4. Considering the amount of effort, risk and investment I am putting in – I am not really making the money I deserve… 5. Just can’t find the right people… and… 6. If I were to go on a long holiday, I suspect things wouldn’t work anywhere near as well as they do when I am here doing it myself. 7. I am not so sure that I love my business and what I do quite as much as I used to when I started out… 8. Focus – hmmm… more focus might be a good thing… 9. I am so busy, I wonder how I will even find time to read this. 10. I do sometimes feel like a hamster on a wheel…. Running running running… If you scored less than 6 out of 10 Congratulations! – you are probably doing really well in your business and there is no point in reading any further. If you scored 6 out of 10 or higher Then it may be worth reading on… Using The Kando Success System.... Call Clean Ltd in Nottingham, UK, increased their profitability by 100% in just 10 months - after being in business for 7 years... see our website for more success stories! All thats needed is one quick and simple e-mail saying “I don’t know if you can help me, but I am curious to find out if we could meet up so I can have a FREE No obligation, 1 hour Business Coaching session to discover more about your Kando Success System and to see if there may be a match between what you are doing and what I need. And if there is no match – then we both know and I have lost nothing…”

Business coaching Business advise Business mentoring Marketing and sales Time and team Kando 1-2 Ltd Business Development Bolsover Derbyshire
Kando 1-2 Ltd are listed in; Derbyshire Business Directory : Bolsover Business Directory : Business Development Directory : Business Development in Bolsover : Business Development in Derbyshire