Sweep it Cumbria
Walding HausCarlisle
Chimney Sweep covering Cumbria & SW Scotland. All flue types swept using the latest rotary powered system giving a far superior clean over the manual brushes. M Class vacuum used to clear away the soot giving a thorough clean up, and CCTV sent up the flue to check overall condition once swept. External chimney work also undertaken, including pointing, grinding out, rebuilds, pots and cowls. Also available for roofing work, we prefer leak tracing and repair work over new build. Over 20 years in the trade, most work can be carried out from cat ladders saving money on expensive scaffolds. Guttering work also accepted, from cleaning to repair and renew.
Chimney sweep Roof repairs Roofing services Chimney pots Guttering Sweep it Cumbria Carlisle Cumbria Chimney Sweeps
Sweep it Cumbria are listed in; Cumbria Business Directory : Carlisle Business Directory : Chimney Sweeps Directory : Chimney Sweeps in Carlisle : Chimney Sweeps in Cumbria
Sweep it Cumbria