Ref No. B 270925
Elder Care with Annie
Quality care for the elderly, with dignity, compassion and fun. Live a happy and fulfilling life at home. Assistance with: personal care - mobility- diet and fitness - medication - hobbies - socialisation - overnight care - days out and holidays Hourly and overnight care with waking night care if needed Also companion care and visiting / trips out, for those in nursing or residential care Experienced and committed carer with superb referencesElder Care with Annie
52, Mably Grove
OX12 9XW
07801 652854
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Elderly care dementia alzheimer's Companionship daycare overnight care live in carer Elder Care with Annie CARE SERVICES Wantage Oxfordshire
Elder Care with Annie are listed in; CARE SERVICES Directory : CARE SERVICES in Wantage : CARE SERVICES in Oxfordshire