Ref No. B 268213
conrad nix acupuncture
conrad nix acupuncture, 70 Grange Road West KirbyWirral
ch48 4eg
07795 568177
Acupuncture may help with the following; Headaches, migraines, dizziness, asthma, cough, insomnia, Chronic fatigue (ME), sinusitis, tinnitus, Facial paralysis, Constipation and diarrhea, Pain management neck and shoulder pain, lower back and sciatica pain, knee pain, plantar fasciitis, Fibromyalgia, diabetic distal neuropathy, eczema, arthritis, post stroke & heart attack care, period pain, no period, PMS, regulating the cycle for IVF, infertility, Induction for delayed birth, breach baby, menopausal hot flushes, anxiety & depression areas include West Kirby, Clitheroe, Prestwich, Cheadle
pain management migraines menopausal hot flushes infertility insomnia conrad nix acupuncture Acupuncture Wirral Merseyside
conrad nix acupuncture are listed in; Merseyside Business Directory : Wirral Business Directory : Acupuncture Directory : Acupuncture in Wirral : Acupuncture in Merseyside