Notting Hill Rugs London
Notting Hill Rugs are a London based supplier of exceptional quality custom made handknotted rugs and designer rugs all handmade to order. Our Central London showroom and collaborative workspace is located in Portobello road W10. See our website to view products, order samples, book a private appointment and much more.Notting Hill Rugs London
330 Portobello Road
Notting Hill
Greater London
W10 5RU
0333 222 6501
rugs, designer rugs, rugs london, custom rugs, handknotted rugs, Rugs - Notting Hill Rugs London Notting Hill Greater London Rugs

Notting Hill Rugs London are listed in; Rugs Directory : Rugs in Notting Hill : Rugs in Greater London
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Directory Listings provided by UK Small Business Directory