Ref No. E251500

Wedding Photos By Dan

Based in Colchester, Essex we specialise in wedding and people photography with a passion that extends to obsession for creating amazing memories. When you understand how to connect with people and you know how to utilise the best light, perfect moments can be captured naturally!

Essex based Photographer Dan Scott with the help from his wife Claire, capture moments you will be proud to look back on and hold close as some of the best memories of your life!

​When your put at ease and feel relaxed with each other and then your placed in a position where your eyes light up, magical memories can be made.

With 20 years experience in digital photography Dan has learnt traditionally how to frame the moments that mean the most whilst adding a new modern take to keep a contemporary style for todays memories.

Wedding Photos By Dan
14 Philbrick Close


wedding photographer, wedding photography, portrait photography, photographer, Colchester Essex, Wedding Photographers - Wedding Photos By Dan Colchester Essex Wedding Photographers

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