Foams4Sports are a protective matting and foam sport product manufacturer and supplier, based in Aston-under-Lyne in Greater Manchester. Selling everything from gym mats for gymnastics and martial arts training to soft play furniture used in nurseries, Foams4Sports are the leader in their field. All products are made to the highest quality and in some cases can be customised with the customer's own branding. Foams4sports are also proud members of the Association of British Climbing Walls (ABC)and can supply traverse and bouldering wall mats for sports centres and clubs looking to provide a climbing experience.Foams4Sports
Unit 1, Grosvenor Industrial Estate, Grosvenor St
Greater Manchester
0161 339 6100
Gymnastics Mats, Martial Arts Mats, Soft Play Equipment, School Sports Equipment, Bouldering Wall Matting, Gym Equipment - Foams4Sports Ashton-Under-Lyne Greater Manchester Gym Equipment

Foams4Sports are listed in; Gym Equipment Directory : Gym Equipment in Ashton-Under-Lyne : Gym Equipment in Greater Manchester
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