UK Small Business Directory
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Ref No. B 241026


123 Southend Avenue
B60 6XN

Delayed or canceled flights are far more common phenomena than we might think. Last year, more than 175,000 flights were delayed or canceled. In many cases, irregularities were caused by extraordinary circumstances. In such circumstances, airlines are not obliged to pay compensation to air passengers. However, there are also situations in which the passenger is entitled to compensation in case of delayed aircraft or cancellation of the flight. If you experience such a problem, AirClaim can help you get the right compensation.

flight compensation delayed flight cancelled flight European Regulation EC 261/04 Airclaim Travel and Tourism Aberdeen Aberdeenshire
Airclaim are listed in; Aberdeenshire Business Directory : Aberdeen Business Directory : Travel and Tourism Directory : Travel and Tourism in Aberdeen : Travel and Tourism in Aberdeenshire
