Ref No. B 235391

Northwich Personal Maths Tutor

7 Millwood Drive
07530 503444

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An enthusiastic mathematician who enjoys solving maths problems for fun! Gained a Post Graduate in Information & Library Management and a Food Science Degree, both required strong logic, problem solving and organisational skills. In the work place I have held information posts in science and mathematical fields. Companies included Astra Zeneca and Cadbury. After having two daughters I gradually re-entered education. Primarily, helping with maths homework and exam revision. This led to further maths tutoring opportunities with students from their private school. My passion is fuelled by the buzz experienced when students break through maths 'fog', gain confidence, improve performance and start to actually enjoy maths! My sense of humour ensures lessons are fun, which in turn, leads to maximum engagement and benefit. Due to strong information skills I can provide logical revision materials, tailored to individual needs, on request. Recently, undertook GCSE maths to refresh/update knowledge, obtaining the highest mark at college. All levels up to GCSE.

maths tutoring hartford northwich cheshire Northwich Personal Maths Tutor Crewe Cheshire Tutoring
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