Fatal Accident Solicitors

The death of a loved one through a fatal accident can lead to total devastation. Injury compensation, bereavement awards and dependency claims are all secondary but important considerations. Every unlawful accident is a personal tragedy and we ensure that each case will be treated sympathetically.
Dependency claims are a common factor for the immediate family left behind as well as compensation for the death and hurt caused. This type of claim is awarded to someone who may have relied on the deceased before their death.
A bereavement award requires different criteria to be met when compared to a dependency claim depending on the relationship to the deceased. A one-off payment is awarded no matter the specific situation of the fatal accident.
We understand that not everyone is in search for compensation following a fatal accident. The truth is more important. Over a period of time help is often required if the deceased's family are met with denials, shifting blame or an unsympathetic attitude. As specialist solicitors we will listen to you and your family in order to take the action you require.
"The law does not always lead to justice but we will ensure that we will use our skill and experience to achieve the best result possible for the family and dependents." - Mr. Ronnie Hutcheon
Contact Mr Hutcheon now for expert advice under our no win, no fee, no worry service.
Bereavement award : Death by dangerous driving
Fatal Accident Solicitors
98 Rose Lane, Mossley Hill
L18 8AG
01517 247121
Bereavement Award Fatal Accident Solicitors Compensation death by dangerous driving Compensation death by careless driving Fatal accident claims Legal Services Liverpool Merseyside https://fatalaccidentclaims.org.uk/ Fatal Accident Solicitors Liverpool Merseyside Legal Services
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