Ref No. B 230720


45 Hertford Street

XCH4NGE is a P2P cryptocurrency exchange that offers users the opportunity to buy and sell Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Ethereum and XRP using fiat. To ensure the safety of our users information and their assets we have a KYC verification process to prevent fraud and money laundering. This combined with our 24/7 live support makes us quite unique from other exchanges, and to reinforce this point, we have low fees. There is just a 0.75% fee for sellers and no buyers fee at all. Due to a successful launch in the UK we are beginning to roll out globally so that we can offer this experience to not just people in the UK, but people everywhere. As we expand we look to expand our range of coins to give more option to the consumer.

cryptocurrency bitcoin xrp exchange litecoin XCH4NGE Mayfair London Foreign Exchange Services
XCH4NGE are listed in; London Business Directory : Mayfair Business Directory : Foreign Exchange Services Directory : Foreign Exchange Services in Mayfair : Foreign Exchange Services in London
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