Small Business Big Ideas
Sinclair CourtNewcastle upon Tyne
Tyne and Wear
NE13 7DS
0191 432 5480
Helping Business Owners Get More Leads, Sales & More Loyal Customers Are you a business owner or decision maker? Are you frustrated by a lack of consistent & reliable leads for your business or confused about how to get the most our of your current clients? Do you flip from one costly marketing campaign to the next without any real success - or any idea why it's not working? If this sounds like you - then I can help You see, I have over 10 years experience of launching, growing & selling my own successful small businesses. ...and before that I enjoyed a fantastic 10 year career developing award winning marketing campaigns for a range of Big Brands - from the Rolls Royce Phantom at one extreme to Rustler's microwave burgers at the other! I help small business owners & decision makers become making your marketing better! Marketing Audits Marketing Strategy Development & Marketing Plans Marketing Positioning Customer Profiling Identifying Customer Needs & Opportunities B2B Lead Generation Campaign Management & Implementation Ongoing Freelance Marketing Management Copywriting Training (1-2-1 or Group Workshops) Coaching & Consultancy Mastermind Groups I'm based in the Newcastle Upon Tyne but I'm happy to work with businesses throughout the UK and overseas
Marketing Strategy Marketing Consultancy Lead Generation Increase Sales Customer Loyalty Small Business Big Ideas Newcastle upon Tyne Tyne and Wear Marketing Experts
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Small Business Big Ideas