NatPath Clinic
6C Aston RoadLondon
W5 2RL
07723 066013
Gut Health - is the foundation well-being. We provide the whole package by combining nutrition, colonic irrigation, abdominal massage, therapeutic herbal enemas, probiotic implants, detox plans and more. Digestive problems, tiredness, hormonal imbalances, skin problems are some of the most common complaints we address. Mind, Body & Relaxation - Massage and reflexology to ease pain and tension on tight and aching muscles, to improve restricted movements or to simply relax, let go and switch off.
Colon Hydrotherapy / Colonic Irrigation Consultations - Naturopathy & Nutrition Food Intolerance Test & Lab. Tests Massage - Holistic Abdominal, Remedial, Lymphatic, Reflexology, Acupressure and Trigger point therapy NatPath Clinic London London Alternative Therapies
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