Money Mover
money mover ltd, milton hallCambridge
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Money Mover is the online currency exchange and global payments service dedicated to SMEs. Money Mover aims to make international money transfer an asset rather than an inhibitor for SME growth by empowering businesses to make global payments and international money transfers quickly, at pre-defined rates and with transparent pricing. Its online platform offers real-time exchange rates, accurate quotes and global payments functionality that integrates with existing SME applications and bank products. Money Mover is part of the growing wave of FinTech companies focused on delivering a better quality of service than incumbent institutions. The cofounders of Money Mover, based in three different continents, were disillusioned with the way that current money transfer practices hamstrung SMEs. They set out to create a global payments platform that put the best interests of its customers at its heart. Based in Cambridge, UK, Money Mover is backed by Andy Homer, Sir Peter Michael, and a group of financiers, entrepreneurs and technologists.
Money Transfers International payments FinTech Banking Foreign Exchange Money Mover Cambridge Cambridgeshire Financial Services
Money Mover are listed in; Cambridgeshire Business Directory : Cambridge Business Directory : Financial Services Directory : Financial Services in Cambridge : Financial Services in Cambridgeshire
Money Mover