Hypnosis and Coaching
3 Martin WayMorden
Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis and Coaching or Conversational hypnosis is a communication skill in hypnotherapy for Coaching where I communicate with another person's unconscious mind in seemingly regular conversation and gets the desired result for the patient. It works well with low self-esteem and Confidence building , Goal setting orFears and with patients who have resistance of therapy or I can just use conventional hypnotherapy if needed or both. Why do I specialise in Hypnosis ? because this is how the brain likes to learn through altered state of conciouses and narrowing the focus of attention to a particular outcome known as hypnosis. Quite simply the results that can be achieved are often just amazing. I have had numerous clients that have had a particular problem for many years and although they tried other forms of treatment the problem was never resolved. After a number of sessions the problem was cured, their life completely turned around, without the aid of drugs or medication. I would also like to add that before they came to see me, most of my clients thought they would have to live with their problem for the rest of their lives. Hypnosis can help with so many things, things you would may not even consider, for example amputees. Hypnosis of course cannot replace any missing limbs, but it can help to release any negative emotion attached to the trauma of losing a limb. Negative emotions can have a devastating effect and make it extremely difficult with regards to accepting and coping with current situations; so it is vitally important that negative emotions are released. If you are in the right frame of mind, that is a positive frame of mind you are better able to cope with matters and consequently feel less stressful. A positive frame of mind produces chemicals that are good for your mind and body, whereas a negative frame of mind does not. The way in which Hypnosis can help with almost any problem is to keep the mind as positive as possible. Hypnosis, therefore, does and can help in ways you may not have even thought possible. Hypnosis with Coaching Conversational Hypnosis Hypnotherapy Regression Hypnosis Based on my personal experience, there are three very important things to recognise, as follows: No1:Past negative emotions can have a devastating affect on your current life right now and in many cases you will not even consciously be aware of them. How scary is that? No2: Your subconscious mind does not forget anything at all. It is all stored there, neatly filed away. No3: Negative emotions do not weaken over time, they have the same devastating effect, strength and power they had when they were first established, no matter how long ago that may be. In Hypnosis, within a few sessions we find the root cause of her problem together with the negative emotion that was attached to that problem and release it. The subconscious mind is far more powerful than the conscious mind Each session last one hour. What is Hypnosis Within science, there is no debate as to whether hypnosis exists or works. Science simply cannot agree on what it is and how it works, although as The British Society of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis states: "In therapy, hypnosis usually involves the person experiencing a sense of deep relaxation with their attention narrowed down, and focused on appropriate suggestions made by the therapist." These suggestions help people make positive changes within themselves. Long gone are the days when hypnosis was seen as waving watches and controlling people's minds. In a hypnotherapy session you are always in control and you are not made to do anything. It is generally accepted that all hypnosis is ultimately self-hypnosis. A hypnotist merely helps to facilitate your experience - hypnotherapy is not about being made to do things, in fact it is the opposite, it is about empowerment. If someone tells you they can hypnotise you to do something, ask them to hypnotise you to rob a bank, and when they can't, ask them to stop making ridiculous claims. How does it work? Hypnosis is thought to work by altering our state of consciousness in such a way that the analytical left-hand side of the brain is turned off, while the non-analytical right-hand side is made more alert. The conscious control of the mind is inhibited, and the subconscious mind awoken. Since the subconscious mind is a deeper-seated, more instinctive force than the conscious mind, this is the part which has to change for the patient's behaviour and physical state to alter. For example, a patient who consciously wants to overcome their fear of spiders may try everything they consciously can to do it, but will still fail as long as their subconscious mind retains this terror and prevents the patient from succeeding. Progress can only be made be reprogramming the subconscious so that deep-seated instincts and beliefs are abolished or altered. Neuroplasticity The brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life. Neuroplasticity allows the neurons (nerve cells) in the brain to compensate for injury and disease and to adjust their activities in response to new situations or to changes in their environment. What I do Conversational Hypnosis Conversational hypnosis is a talking therapy but with the careful use of the hypnotic language the subject goes and remain in a a trance while talking and listening and all the positive suggestions are accepted by the subject, which leads to an outcome which was the intention of the subject. Hypnotherapy is where the subjest does into trance with eyes closed. 1on1 Individual Personal issues Groups Seminars and confidence techinques I provide help with the following issues. Emotional pain/disorder, Emotional alignment Confidence building ,Low self-confidence , Social Anxiety ,Public speaking Weight-loss ,Eating disorders , Food addiction , Drug abuse , Alcohol abuse Smoking cessation ,Quit smoking Relationship issues,Stress Anxiety , Depression , Panic attack , Phobias , Post-traumatic stress disorder Pain management , Anger management, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Gambling addiction , Insomnia , Internet addiction , Sleep disorders, Sexual issues Obsessions and compulsions Stammering speech issues
phobia fear of flying depression anxiety confidence Hypnosis and Coaching Morden Surrey Hypnotherapy
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