Ref No. B 214276

Women's Combative Fitness Class

Planet Dance Studios Vulcan Road
B91 2JU


Women's Combative Fitness Class Are you interested in getting fit, loosing weight while learning boxing & kickboxing in a women's only environment? Including being taught by a Female Instructor? Class Time: 17:30-18:30 and will continue every Friday Location: Planet Dance Studios, Vulcan Road, Solihull, B91 2 JY. Class will include: • Learning Boxing & Kickboxing combatives through fitness drills & pad work-outs with lots of cardio to help burn fat & tone up! • Build strength through core exercise training • Increase fitness levels drastically due to the continuous movement/ cardio drills You will also receive a nutritional plan when you join to help you get the body you want if you want! This class is only £20 a month, that's as little as £4 a lesson For more information, Contact Cassie on 07791295861 or email or contact Ade on 07814446526 or Steve on 07956595224

Fitness Class Combatives Boxing Kickboxing Women's class Women's Combative Fitness Class Solihull Birmingham Fitness
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