London Acupuncture Therapy Low-Cost Clinic
The Corner Surgery, 99 Coldharbour LaneCamberwell
Mark Kiely Lic Ac, MBAcC, BSc (Hons) has worked as an acupuncturist since qualifying in 2007. He is a member of the British Acupuncture Council and is fully-insured for all the therapies that he carries out. He works at two multi-disciplinary clinics in Greenwich and Battersea, but four years ago also set up a low-cost acupuncture clinic in Camberwell. The aim of this is to make acupuncture treatment more available to all sections of the community. The clinic is in a local GP surgery, and, with the support of the partners, Mark is able to offer treatments with costs based upon household income. In his career, Mark has worked with patients who present with a wide variety of conditions. These include: Chronic and acute pain; stress and anxiety; headaches; insomnia; tinnitus; ME; and menstrual issues. He also regularly works with women during pregnancy who have issues such as morning sickness, breech presentation, or the need to be induced.
Acupuncture Cupping Moxa Lower back pain Morning sickness London Acupuncture Therapy Low-Cost Clinic Camberwell London Acupuncture
London Acupuncture Therapy Low-Cost Clinic are listed in; London Business Directory : Camberwell Business Directory : Acupuncture Directory : Acupuncture in Camberwell : Acupuncture in London
London Acupuncture Therapy Low-Cost Clinic