Ref No. F202941

Exact Clean

Welcome to the website of Exact Clean. When entrusted with the task of cleaning your valuable carpets and upholstery, whether in your home, office, shop or school, we take great pride in ensuring that they are fresh and bright, cleaned to the highest standards possible and that they dry in just a few short hours.

Based in Studley, Warwickshire, we are part of a network of professional upholstery and carpet cleaners, and with years of industry knowledge and experience are able to offer high quality cleaning services at affordable prices.

Our trading area is extensive. From our Studley base, we work in all the local towns and villages such as Redditch, Bromsgrove, Birmingham, Warwick, Solihull, Evesham, Stratford-Upon-Avon, Alcester and beyond.

Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Studley, Redditch, Solihull, Bromsgrove, Stratford-upon-Avon

Carpet and upholstery cleaner for you

Being independent, we are not tied to a franchise, some of which can limit the choice of equipment, cleaning systems and solutions. Whichever process is best for YOUR carpet will be our primary choice. Wherever possible, we will use Eco-Friendly cleaning solutions formulated from renewable resources. These products are now so well developed that they offer a real advantage to the fabrics and carpets being cleaned whilst also minimising exposure related problems to animals, children and adults alike. They put us in a win-win situation and costs are comparable with traditional detergent chemicals.

We feel that eco-friendly carpet cleaning solutions are increasingly important since they avoid the use of artificial products which can be harmful to your health, something which is a particularly important consideration for families with young children or pets. Our products are derived from renewable plant sources, so your carpets will be naturally fresh and clean when we leave. Detergent free solutions will not lead to any rapid re-soiling.

As well as first-class carpet cleaning, our technicians are able to offer upholstery cleaning. You won't often find both services provided together since upholstery requires greater skill and experience to clean, but we possess everything needed to get the job done to the highest standard possible. Using low moisture tools and high powered extraction machine, we'll get your upholstery looking as good as new without risk of over-wetting and it will dry in few short hours.

Carpet and upholstery cleaner for commercial premises

Our commercial contract system allows us to send experienced and knowledgeable technicians to your business premises on a regular basis to ensure that carpets, upholstery, and windows always reflect well upon your company. Much more cost-effective than turning to a local provider for one-off jobs, this is a fantastic way to keep your business premises sparkling.

For further information regarding any of our services, please don't hesitate to Contact Exact Clean today.

Carpet Cleaning : Upholstery Cleaning : Commercial Carpet, Upholstery and Window Cleaning

Carpet Cleaner Solihull, Birmingham, Bromsgrove, Redditch, Stratford-upon-Avon

Exact Clean
30 Alcester Road
B80 7NL

01527 852311

carpet cleaning commercial carpet cleaning upholstery cleaning rug cleaning carpet cleaner Carpet Cleaners Studley Warwickshire Exact Clean Studley Warwickshire Carpet Cleaners

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