Ref No. B 201383

UK Commercial Group

14 Octavian Way Team Valley Trading Estate
Tyne and Wear
NE11 0HZ
0800 032 9533

Commercial Supplies and Cleaning UK Commercial Group Ltd provides a wide range of quality, effective and cost efficient solutions for commercial premises throughout the UK. Our comprehensive list of cleaning services means that any commercial environment can harness a high standard of cleanliness and care courtesy of our experienced team. In addition to this, UK Commercial Group delivers a large and varied selection of commercial cleaning supplies and products. Combine this with our dedicated training courses and your in-house cleaning team can learn the skills and access the supplies to make your premises clean and pristine for years to come. With years of experience within the commercial cleaning industry, UK Commercial Group provides the latest and greatest services, supplies and training across England, Scotland and Wales. Using CRB checked and highly skilled staff, we are able to deliver the following to organisations across a variety of sectors: • Maintenance • Commercial cleaning • Cleaning supplies • Training • Hospitality “UK Commercial Group, maintain, clean and supply”

Commercial cleaning Cleaning supplies Cleaning Products UK Commercial Group Gateshead Tyne and Wear Cleaners
UK Commercial Group are listed in; Tyne and Wear Business Directory : Gateshead Business Directory : Cleaners Directory : Cleaners in Gateshead : Cleaners in Tyne and Wear
Business listings provided by UK Small Business Directory