Ref No. B 197690
Work for Mums
Work for Mums is an online jobs board offering full-time and part-time flexible working options and work from home opportunities to a niche market of experienced and professional female audience. Services Offered: * Recruitment * Social Broadcast/promotion of jobs * Sponsored/guest articles * Free user registration/job alerts * Cost effective advertising We get Results! CV Savvy Testimonial "I rate advertising with you very highly, the response I received from our advert was great and I have managed to secure 2 new writers so all good! I can’t fault the service provided and found the additional Facebook link a really great add on for value – yes impressed! Our recruitment drives tend to be based on business need rather than an ongoing prospect, I am always on the lookout for exceptional writers but use advertising when we need a number of writers to cope with increased demand BUT will definitely advertise with you again in the future. Thank you"Work for Mums
35 Frobisher Green
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jobs for mums work from home part time jobs work for mums working mums Work for Mums Recruitment Torquay Devon
Work for Mums are listed in; Recruitment Directory : Recruitment in Torquay : Recruitment in Devon