Ref No. B 196740
Budget Parcel
755 Harrow Road, Wembley , MiddlesexWembley
Budget parcel’s unique business model helps you to import parcel from China to UK and Europe with most economical price dynamics. Budget Parcel helps customer to import goods directly from Chinese manufacturer with an approach to curtail cost matrix. Budget Parcel offers cheapest price for importing goods from China to UK and Europe, this will help its customers to set a lowest selling price for all their purchases from china either for external sale or internal consumption.
Cheapest International Courier Service China to UK International parcel service from China to UK and Europe Budget Parcel Couriers Wembley Middlesex
Budget Parcel are listed in; Middlesex Business Directory : Wembley Business Directory : Couriers Directory : Couriers in Wembley : Couriers in Middlesex