The Stoneyard Listers Mill, Scotchman Road, BradfordBradford
07989 586 806
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Northern Stone Sales has a showroom at the Stone yard, Lister''s Mill in Bradford where you can browse their extensive stock of reclaimed building stone. And if you can�t find what you are looking for then the company can source it for you. Northern Stone Sales sources reclaimed stone from expert demolition work it undertakes in the Yorkshire area. All their stone is hand-picked, cleaned and redressed to modern day building standards saving you time and money in the construction stages and the company can deliver to your site up to 200sq meters of stone per day.
Blackface Stone Stone Paving Stone Paving Stone Merchants northernstonesales Bradford Bedfordshire Stone Suppliers
northernstonesales are listed in; Bedfordshire Business Directory : Bradford Business Directory : Stone Suppliers Directory : Stone Suppliers in Bradford : Stone Suppliers in Bedfordshire