Ref No. B 185185

Editing moguls

Unit 4, Adrienne Avenue, Southall, Middlex
7787 584585

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videographyAfter years of experience in the field of videography, we are now offering a service, which is most beneficial to those who want to get their homemade videos edited by a professional editor. We have a team of professional editors who will provide you with extraordinary service at a competitive price. Being in this profession for the last 10 years we have come across people who have home video footage and are looking for someone to help them edit. We all have hours of raw footage stored as happy memories but in our busy lives we don’t find time to see hours long footage. Many of my clients feel that if this footage had been nicely edited and made smaller, there were more chances of actually reliving some of the best memories. Memories are like diamonds and happy memories are like those rare diamonds that always remind us of our happy days and keep our hope for a better life ahead. These precious memories are worth preserving. We at Editing Moguls have an intention to help you preserve your happy moments at a price, which is much less than the treasure of happiness that it provides. Apart from having an extremely talented team of editors we also possess the intention to add value to your life because we realise that your memories are invaluable. So all you have to do is send in your raw footage and we send you back a finished product just the way you like it to be.

Editing Videography Video DVD Editing moguls Minehead UK Video DVDs
Editing moguls are listed in; UK Business Directory : Minehead Business Directory : Video DVDs Directory : Video DVDs in Minehead : Video DVDs in UK

Editing moguls
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