29 oysterfieldsSt Albans
al3 5up
cleaner2home is a small family run business for domestic and office cleaning working from st albans. We work in the territory of south hertfordshire. Our main goal is to complete the task so that our customer is fully satisfied with our services. Our staff are friendly and happy to help you with our experience. cleaner2home aims to be one of the best small business for cleaning in st albans. Hygiene is essential for our well being. we pay attention to the smallest details when it comes to cleaning. payment options are by cash or credit card See below for a list of the services and prices we offer: Regular Domestic cleaning Service £10 End of Tenancy Cleaning Service £14 Spring/autumn cleaning Service £14 After Builders Cleaning Service £14 One-Off cleaning Service £14 oven cleaning Service (set price) £50 Our motto supports the phrase "high quality service - satisfied customers." cleaner2home are determined to offer the best prices and quality service in st albans. The business is fully insured, and so are its staff.
domestic cleaning home cleaning house cleaning cleaner st albans oven cleaning cleaner2home St Albans Hertfordshire Cleaners
cleaner2home are listed in; Hertfordshire Business Directory : St Albans Business Directory : Cleaners Directory : Cleaners in St Albans : Cleaners in Hertfordshire