UK Small Business Directory
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Business listings provided by UK Small Business Directory
Pangolin Solutions Limited
205 Scotney Gardens, St Peters StreetMaidstone
ME16 0GW
Why spend money on purchasing software and licenses when you could be running Free and Open Source (FOSS) software. We have developed a package of free and open source software, which will meet the needs of individuals and small businesses, allowing them to take advantage of this goldmine of free software. The software in this bundle has been selected by us, based on its ease of use, compatibility with hardware and microsoft products, and reliability. It is all lightweight and will run on computers with fairly smaller processors and memory. How do we know? We use all of the software in our bundle everyday, whether its from writing letters, spreadsheets, databases, sending emails or appointments, desktop publishing, our accounts, even this website was produced on open source software. As well as helping you to save money on software costs, we can also help you turn your computers into a small local network allowing for file sharing and print sharing, no more walking information across the room to the computer with a printer. The odds are we can do all of this with your existing IT equipment. We will install the software, configure your machines and set-up any small scale networks or printer shares.
computing free software open source small business alternative to microsoft Pangolin Solutions Limited Computer Consultants Maidstone Kent
Pangolin Solutions Limited are listed in; Kent Business Directory : Maidstone Business Directory : Computer Consultants Directory : Computer Consultants in Maidstone : Computer Consultants in Kent
Pangolin Solutions Limited