Midway Drive, Poynton, CheshireStockport
SK12 1GZ
0844 8000304
Are you constantly away from home and worrying that you are missing prospective clients. I provide a virtual office administration and secretarial service for sole traders and small businesses who want help in organising their offices, want help in preparing letters, invoices and quotes and want someone to filter incoming emails and answer the telephone when they are away on business. Please see my website for further information and services. Based in Poynton, Cheshire, UK I can assist you remotely by providing solutions to your office administration needs. I am willing to work at your premises (by negotiation). I am highly experienced in office administration and give enthusiastic intelligent help.
Virtual office assistant Poynton, Cheshire, Stockport, Greater Manchester Small businesses and sole traders Personal assistant Office administration and secretarial services on an hourly basis Stockport Cheshire Virtual Office Assistants are listed in; Cheshire Business Directory : Stockport Business Directory : Virtual Office Assistants Directory : Virtual Office Assistants in Stockport : Virtual Office Assistants in Cheshire