Sophia Alexander Fingerprint Jewellers
Westward DealsHaverhill
Specialist fingerprint jewellery created in solid 9 carat, 18 carat gold and sterling silver. Bespoke jewellery service creating charms, pandora style beads , pendants and gifts. Orders taken both within the UK and worldwide.
Fingerprint Jewellery Solid Gold and Sterling Silver Charms, Pandora Style Beads and Pendants Hand Print, Footprint Jewellery Engraved Fingerprint Wedding Rings Gemstones, Diamonds, Professional Hand Engraving Sophia Alexander Fingerprint Jewellers Haverhill Suffolk Jewellers
Sophia Alexander Fingerprint Jewellers are listed in; Suffolk Business Directory : Haverhill Business Directory : Jewellers Directory : Jewellers in Haverhill : Jewellers in Suffolk