21 Chenies closeTunbridge Wells
01892 557587
Newclear are external property cleaning specialists, with a primary focus on window cleaning in East Sussex and Kent using the pure water cleaning method. We have over 15 years combined experience of creating a tailored cleaning service to customer requirements whether for domestic or commercial window cleaning. We strive to provide the best cleaning service possible, whether you own a flat or run a shopping centre we can work for you. We quote personally for every customer after looking at each job and discussing individual requirements, trying our best to accommodate all customers from a one off clean to weekly cleaning and everything inbetween. Newclear cleaning is fully insured cleaning service and take health and safety very seriously.
Window cleaning Window cleaners Pure water cleaning Commercial Cleaning Highrise window cleaning Newclear Tunbridge Wells Kent Cleaners
Newclear are listed in; Kent Business Directory : Tunbridge Wells Business Directory : Cleaners Directory : Cleaners in Tunbridge Wells : Cleaners in Kent