Ref No. B 173977

lythgoe photos

22 warwick gardens
West Midlands

At lythgoe photos we provide a friendly and personalized service that suits your needs. our cheap rates start from £20 and wedding packages from only £170. Any occasion catered for, unlimited photos and you get every photo on a cd rom and DVD for your own personal use, plus photos prints depending on package, so why not take a look at our website below or add us as a friend on facebook for future reference. taking bookings now for 2013, so why not contact us to see if we have your date available. we can arrange a free personal home visit to discus your requirements with no pressure to book. photography and videography available

photography videography wedding studio christening lythgoe photos Oldbury West Midlands Photographers
lythgoe photos are listed in; West Midlands Business Directory : Oldbury Business Directory : Photographers Directory : Photographers in Oldbury : Photographers in West Midlands
Business listings provided by UK Small Business Directory