Tailor Made Tutoring
1 Riddles DriveColchester
Who are we? Tailor Made Tutoring is an Essex based company offering individual tuition and group tuition sessions for every learner. Our aim is to ensure quality services to enable every child to achieve to their full potential. We offer tuition for students of all ages, from Primary to A Level, including Eleven Plus. What do we do? Our tutors are fully qualified teachers who have extensive experience in the classroom and expertise in the subjects that they are offering. They are fully checked by the Criminal Records Bureau to ensure the safety of our clients. Why should you choose us? You have ultimate control and can choose a tutor from our dedicated team on our ‘Meet the Tutors’ page, on our website. This gives you the opportunity to connect with a tutor that is right for you. We will tailor a package that will offer you what you need; rates and terms are negotiable.
tutor tuition essex eleven plus tutoring Tailor Made Tutoring Colchester Essex Tutoring
Tailor Made Tutoring are listed in; Essex Business Directory : Colchester Business Directory : Tutoring Directory : Tutoring in Colchester : Tutoring in Essex