Ref No. B 167866

Just Been Paid

15/7 Clovenston Park

Just Been Paid is a great way to earn money online. Join for free and get $10.00 free to get you started and test the system. Just Been Paid sells advertising Positions also known as JSS-Tripler Positions that cost $10.00 each and you earn 2% daily for 75 days till your JSS-Tripler Position expires and you earn a totla of $15.00 back. You can buy as many JSS-Tripler Positions as you like and for every 4th JSS-Position that expires you also get a free $20 matrix position. You also earn 10% $1.00 for every JSS-Tripler Position your level 1 referrals purchase and 5% $0.50 for every JSS-Tripler Position your level 2 referrals purchase. Earn even more from your referrals, you get $5.00 each time your level 1 referrals cycles a matrix and $2.50 every time your level 2 referrals cycle a matrix. Just Been Paid also has JSS Matrix which cost $20 each and pays back $60.00 when the matrix cycles. You will get Matrix Positions for free for every 4th JSS-Position expires (matures) Just been Paid has been around for over 2 years and is owned by Fredrick Mann. The site has 24 hour 7 days conference rooms to help members with anything. The owner Fredrick Mann also does a conference call every Thursday for members who have any questions. You can cash out your daily earnings everyday if you like and your matrix earnings as soon as your matrix cycles. This system is 100% Indefinitely Sustainable because it has the restart feature. Even when the site goes through a restart you will not lose any money what so ever. For more Information about this amazing online earning opportunity contact me Facebook Skype nicolehamiltonjbp

earn online paid daily get paid money cash Just Been Paid Edinburgh Midlothian Affiliate Marketing
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