The Legal Director
Level Four, One Kingdom StreetWest London
W2 6BD
020 3402 3551
The Legal Director are specialist in-house lawyers providing part time legal directors for businesses across the UK. We act as part of your senior management team overseeing all of your legal affairs for a fixed fee each month. The Legal Director protects your business and prepare it for success without you needing to worry about the clock ticking. All businesses have legal issues and yours is no exception. In fact, your legal affairs are your business. They cover all of your key relationships - with your clients, your suppliers, your employees, your joint venture partners, your shareholders, your regulators and other third parties. If you are not looking after these relationships you are not looking after your business and eventually it will suffer. The Legal Director can show you how to control your legal affairs. You may want to get to know The Legal Director before you use our part time legal director service. If so, try us out first by taking advantage of one of our fixed cost legal services. Please see our website for costings :
legal services part time legal services in-house counsel flexible legal services The Legal Director West London London Legal Consultants
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