Ref No. B 164926

Tile Doctor Cleaning Business

Tile Doctor West Surrey, 65 Gloucester Road
0845 652 4652

The West Surrey Tile Doctor is a professional cleaning services that primarily deals with office/house cleaning as well as tile and grout sealing. We have been in the industry for a long time and we have knowledge, experience, manpower, and equipment to handle any flooring problem. So, if you need any house cleaning services or anything that has to do with restoring your tiles, then contact us. We can help you save money just by maintaining it rather than replacing them all over again.

cleaning services cleaning tile cleaning company professional cleaning services cleaning business Tile Doctor Cleaning Business Croydon Surrey Cleaners
Tile Doctor Cleaning Business are listed in; Surrey Business Directory : Croydon Business Directory : Cleaners Directory : Cleaners in Croydon : Cleaners in Surrey
Business listings provided by UK Small Business Directory