Ref No. B 164463

Hear2Listen CIC

Shortmead Street
0176 221621

Hear2Listen is a non profit organizaion offering counselling for 12 to 25 year olds we have a good friendy team of counsellors offering a wide range of support covering all issues youths may face while growing up,this can be on a one to one bases or group work we offer work shops around Depression, Drugs Low self astreem and many more. Heaar2Listen relys on funding and contracts we are always open for new idears, if you feel you can help in any way please contact us 01767 221621 love to hear from you or just pop in

counselling young people Drugs Depresson Low self astreem Hear2Listen CIC Biggleswade Bedfordshire Counselling
Hear2Listen CIC are listed in; Bedfordshire Business Directory : Biggleswade Business Directory : Counselling Directory : Counselling in Biggleswade : Counselling in Bedfordshire
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