Ref No. B 163262

Business Analysis Consultancy

14 Maple Close
07954 362 675

Based in Mitcham (UK), Business Analysis Consultancy provides business consultancy services to clients worldwide.

Business Analysis Consultancy provide profit improvement consultancy through a variety of services including business and financial analysis, business process re-engineering and business office automation.

With over 15 years experience in accountancy, financial management and business analysis, the business offers services to clients worldwide.

Business analysis, including:
Model complex financial data, Benchmark business metrics, Perform scenario analysis of complex data sets, Forecast various data points over a long period of time.

Financial awareness, including:
Better understand Key Indicators, such as like-for-like trading, labour efficiency.
Better understand profitability : sales, cost control etc.
Improve financial management, such as budgets and forecasts
Better decision support.

Business Process Re-engineering :

Better processes and information flows could save your entity much time and money.
Issues could be..
How well staff pass information around your entity.
How well processes interface, to avoid duplication.
Better awareness of the capabilities of your systems and software.
Using systems to their fullest extent.

Your enterprise would benefit through time saving, better decision-making, cost reduction and increased profit.

A smart alternative to a full time employee.

business analyst commercial accountant financial analyst business process re-engineering business office automation Business Analysis Consultancy Mitcham Surrey Business Services
Business Analysis Consultancy are listed in; Surrey Business Directory : Mitcham Business Directory : Business Services Directory : Business Services in Mitcham : Business Services in Surrey
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