Union Café and fish and chip shop
union street wednesburyWednesbury
West Midlands
ws10 7hb
• £25,000 • (Furniture / Fixtures included • Union Café and fish and chip shop Birmingham, Wednesbury town centre • Asking Price: £25,000 • Turnover: Undeclared • Net Profit: Undeclared Firmly established, eye-catching semi detached unit with full lit coloured fascia. Smart, spacious customer Diner section. Completely tiled beneath with clean full length counter, HOT FOOD OUTLET/CAFE set within Wednesbury town centre, very busy location. The business benefits from excellent market days and good local trade. Trading hours Monday to Saturday 8.00am to 5.00pm with counter sales on average £1800 per week but could be increased by adding new lines and increasing the opening hours. Leasehold price £25,000 + stock at valuation for a quick sale Property: Leasehold 15 Years Remaining Leasehold rent: £4,800 per annum Location: Set within Wednesbury town centre For more information call 07737151038
cafe and diner fish and chips town centre breakfast cafe all fast food Union Café and fish and chip shop Wednesbury West Midlands Food Retailer
Union Café and fish and chip shop are listed in; West Midlands Business Directory : Wednesbury Business Directory : Food Retailer Directory : Food Retailer in Wednesbury : Food Retailer in West Midlands
Union Café and fish and chip shop