Ref No. B 160202
Sabrina''s Natural Therapy
01353 666012
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NAET : Allergies and Intolerances Testing and Treating. Nambudripad''s Allergy Elimination Techniques, also known as NAETŪ, are a non-invasive, drug free, Painless, can be used on a one day old infant to anyone of advanced age and a natural solution to eliminate allergies permanently of all types and intensities using a blend of selective energy balancing, testing and treatment procedures from Acupressure, Allopathic, Chiropractic, Nutritional, and Kinaesiological disciplines of medicine. Allergy Elimination can help you with your: IBS Allergies Addiction Arthritis Acid Reflex Bloating Blood Sugar Problems Chemical Sensitivities Dust Allergy Emotional problems Fibromyalgia Food Sensitivities Hay Fever Hormonal Imbalances Hot Flushes Infertility Pollen Allergies Skin Problems Thyroid Problems and many more.
Intolerence testing allergy treating natural solution allergy free naturel health Sabrina''s Natural Therapy Alternative Therapies Ely Cambridgeshire
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