Ref No. E160041


Welcome to Drain 24/7‘s Claim 4 Drain

Have you just discover that you have a Blockage or a Leaking Water Pipe, Then you have found the right company & people to help you we have many approved contractors on our network database which we can dispatch to you.

When Blocked Drains, Blocked Toilets, & Blocked Sinks stop working or water pipe burst or leak then you need the problem solved quickly & efficiently.

You can discuss your problem with us over the phone, and we will handle everything for you so you do not have to worry about anything we will help you every step of the way.

Blocked Drain or a Drainage Problem

When our approved contractor discover a blocked drain they will carry out a unblock by the use of manual rods or jetting equipment, once they have cleared the blockage they will then use a camera to carry out a look-and-see only camera survey to see what was causing the blockage.

If our approved contractor find out that you have damage to your drainage system and they believe that this could be an insurance related claim they will carry out a full CCTV drain survey which will be put on a DVD and a written report at no cost to you.

If you have accidental damage cover, the cost of the CCTV survey will be put onto the claim as well as the repairs and this will all be paid for by the insurance company, apart from any excess you may have on your policy.We will advise you what will happen next

Drain 24/7‘s Claim 4 Drain Dept will be able to talk to your Insurance Company on your behalf we know the terminology and what the Insurance Companies need and will get the work carried out at no cost to you apart from the excess stipulated on your insurance policy. Drain 24/7‘s Claim 4 Drain Dept will advise when we can send an engineer around of any costs involved.

Pentax house northolt road

0800 084 2127

DRAIN REPAIR, DRAIN UNBLOCKED, TOILET BLOCKED, DRAIN BLOCKAGE, DRAIN SURVEY, Drain Unblocking - claim4drain Harrow Middlesex Drain Unblocking

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