Wye Valley Acupuncture
1 Broad View, LlangroveRoss-on-Wye
Wye Valley Acupuncture is the name of my acupuncture practice. I use a combination of traditional and modern medical acupuncture techniques. Traditional acupuncture has been practiced for thousands of years and seeks to address the root cause of a problem, as well as promoting relaxation and feelings of well being. Modern techniques are very effective at addressing pain. For example; bad backs, sciatica, stiff joints and migraine headaches etc. If you are not sure whether you would benefit from treatment please telephone, e-mail or visit my web site for more information.
Acupuncture Back Pain Headaches Stress Pain Relief Wye Valley Acupuncture Ross-on-Wye Herefordshire Acupuncture
Wye Valley Acupuncture are listed in; Herefordshire Business Directory : Ross-on-Wye Business Directory : Acupuncture Directory : Acupuncture in Ross-on-Wye : Acupuncture in Herefordshire
Wye Valley Acupuncture